Next Steps

With the final n4a grant report submitted, priority groups established, volunteer team projects underway and the 2015 Summit completed, the PAFC steering committee agreed that it was time to pursue entry into the national network of age-friendly communities. This will give

Larimer County access to a broad base of information and assistance in furthering an age-friendly agenda as well as identifying our county with those communities across the nation that are actively preparing for the demographic shifts to come. In December 2015 Larimer County Commissioners formally expressed their support for this application. PAFC committed to ensure that planning and implementation processes are conducted according to AARP’s Age-Friendly initiative standards. In preparation for this, the PAFC steering committee held a strategic planning retreat in February 2016 and are now preparing specific goals, actions and plans for involving additional community stakeholders.

PAFC looks forward to establishing collaborative relationships with a wide range of public, private, nonprofit and individual interests as we begin the formal process of preparing for an age-friendly future. 




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