You are here: Home Aging Issues Nutrition


nutrition-homepage.jpgGood nutrition is crucial for physical, mental, and emotional health as people age. Many diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, can be prevented or managed with good nutrition. However, many seniors, especially those with limited financial resources, don’t have access to healthy foods, tasty meals, or companions to share mealtimes. Some also have difficulty finding transportation to grocery stores.

Improving the nutritional status of these seniors requires a concerted effort to plan and offer various solutions, such as conveniently located farmers’ markets offering fresh produce, congregate meals at a central location like a senior center, home-delivered meals, and purchasing-assistance programs for the elderly. Education about nutrition and easy meal preparation can also be a boon to seniors and their family caregivers.

Aging Needs in Larimer County

Learn and participate: Read articles, interviews, and blogs about nutrition issues affecting Larimer County seniors. Discuss nutrition needs, challenges, and concerns. Comment on the impact of aging upon nutrition.


Passions Project:

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